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Writer's pictureBo Lee

Successfully Obtained Alcohol License for Mexican Bar & Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA

After a thorough and extensive application process with the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), Bo Lee Law Group has successfully obtained a Type 42 Alcohol License (Beer and Wine) for one of the firm’s Mexican Bar and Restaurant clients located in Los Angeles, CA.

Due to a prior misdemeanor record of one of the members of the restaurant business, attorney Bo Lee used his extensive criminal defense experience to work out a proposal with the Superior Court of California to successfully obtain the requested Alcohol License.

Our client was understandably thrilled when we notified them that their Alcohol License was finally approved, as shown in their text message to our firm. Now, they have hired our law firm to research and expedite an entertainment permit for live music and shows.

We are truly happy to receive thanks from our clients as it reaffirms our commitment to represent our client's best legal interests!

Thank you!

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